

Goal Outline - Multi Health

My next challenge will not deal with my hobbies as the last two did, but with my overall health and well-being. The last few months have been stressful and exhausting at work and now that it is winter time I usually tend to get lazy and depressive. So to conquer that trend I will use this month to focus on my body. I will eat healthy, take my time for sleeping and give myself a treat with long baths and time to relax. I could have made several separate challenges for different parts of my well-being but I considered that this would take up too much time and many of the tasks seem rather small to devote a whole month of blogging to them. So I put several tasks together to one big challenge.

The planned tasks for the next 30 days are:
- to sleep every day without an alarm clock
- to eat 5 pieces of fruit every day
- to drink only water, tea or fresh juice
- to reduce sugar and sweets as much as possible
- to give myself a full bathroom routine comprising but not limited to the use of conditioner, peeling, body lotion and such every time I would normally only shower and shave

Probably not every task will be easy and maybe I will set another challenge sometime in the future if one of the tasks is especially hard for me. This time I really look forward to the challenge because my expectations are to get back some energy and overcome my usual winter depression and laziness.


30 days: Writing a Novel - Aftermath

Given the fact that a particular idea for a sci-fi-novel is bobbing around in my head for over ten years now but my lazy self could never get around to actually write something down I chose this challenge to finally do something about it. Since it coincided with the NaNoWriMo I took their approach and participated. As a starting point for my novel I wrote down a timeline of historical events that lead to the world in the distant future were my story takes place long ago. I used that historical timeline together with some keywords on a general plot outline, which I also noted down years ago. This was my whole starting material. The things I missed was a strong antagonist, character names and also a big showdown. My hope was that these necessities would come as soon as I get into the process of constant writing. Making things up as you go along is a big part of the NaNoWriMo approach and since I usually need hours to develop a single name for a given character and then lose interest in writing any further this approach appealed to me very much.

What did I expect from this challenge? Well, to be honest I know that I’m far to removed from writing fiction for so long now that I rather wish for a ghost writer to just write down my ideas than to make it myself. What I wanted to achieve is some kind of text which has a considerable length and which at least plots down my novel idea in any kind of form. I was not expecting to get a sensible piece of good literature. It was more a challenge of willpower and to prove myself that it is possible to write down an elaborate and long idea. The hope was that the feeling of getting things out in the real world would give me a sense of success and motivation to go on and continue to be creative.

So what was the result? Well, as you know if you have read the blog so far, I aborted the challenge after 19 days because I couldn’t stand the process. I made it through of the time of the challenge and managed to write about of the planned 50000 words. I am happy that I have at least gotten some text done and I still think that with some refining my idea can be a decent novel some day in the future, but some obstacles blocked my way now so I will come to the things that lead to the premature ending of this project.

The first thing I noticed during writing is, that writing a long text as such is no longer such a special task for me as it might have been 10 years ago when I first wanted to write a novel. 10 years ago my phrasing in the fiction sector might have been better than now, but then I was unable to even imagine to write such a long piece of text. Today I write texts as a living. I write letters, patent applications and petitions the whole day and if I count the words or pages of what I write each week I think that the amount will be enough for two novels each year. The only difference is that these texts are separate pieces and never one long work of art. Nevertheless the technical process is the same. So, not only do I know that I can write this amount of words, which means that I don’t have to find this out any more, but the actual work itself interferes with how much energy I have left for writing anything else. If I already write 50000 words a month, every month, there just isn’t enough energy to double that amount.

This might have been only part of the reason why this challenge failed. The other main part was that the NaNoWriMo approach is very stressful. If you fall behind it gets harder and harder to reach the finish line. All you can think of is the amount of text you have to produce. Every time inspiration or energy fails, your goal gets a little bit further away and the feeling of failure drags me down. This leads to all kinds of physical symptoms (headaches, tension, insomnia…yes I’m very sensible to that kind of thing) and inhibits further progress so that the goal gets farther and farther out of reach. It is really a downward spiral.

What have I learned from this challenge? I learned that writing fiction as a hobby is a very energy robbing activity. It is isolating in the sense that I cannot do it while doing anything else, like talking to my wife or watching tv or anything. I have to isolate myself, concentrate hard to get into a mood of inspiration and then use this one or two hours to really get along. During writing, my emotion is spiraling up and down. Sometimes I feel like watching a movie in my head and can only barley keep up with writing down what I see. At those times I feel like a big creator, it lifts me up, I feel invincible. But then comes a phase where I doubt everything, my whole existence is at stake, everything I do or think or believe is questioned and deconstructed till there is nothing left but blackness and depression. These ups and downs transcend into everyday life, influence my physical well-being and my relations to others. It would be really neat to have my own novel in hands, but really seeing and feeling the costs of the creative process was new and this is the main part of what I learned. Often in life we all want to have one thing or the other but most often we can only fathom the costs to reach these goals. To try and do it, gave me a clearer picture and I noticed that having the manuscript was not worth the cost at the moment and hence I decided to stop.

Will I finish the novel? Yes. I’m still motivated to do this and blame at least some part of the tedious process to choosing the wrong approach for myself. I thought about two different approaches that I will try during a future challenge. One approach consists of writing every day but without looking at the wordcount. This might be less stressful and lead to less text but also to less negative symptoms. Another approach would be to split the remaining story down into plot parts and distribute the parts over the course of 30 days like I did with the crochet challenge. So far I have already planned my next few challenges so trying to write again will not be scheduled until somewhere next summer at the earliest.

What is always uplifting for me, is writing these summaries. Pondering about my past project, analyzing and planning future projects gives me great pleasure and motivation and this alone is reason enough to continue with these challenges.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 19

Breaking Down.

I finally decided to quit and fail this challenge. To only think of writing anything today causes severe head aches and my body reacts very negatively to this whole writing thing. My final word count is 16472 words which is about a fourth of my novel I presume. I haven’t read what I wrote yet but I will definitely try to finish the manuscript but not now and not within this challenge.

The idea is that a challenge should more than anything else let me learn something about myself and improve the quality of my living whilst reaching goals that I think are worth pursuing. I have learned something about myself, but it didn’t improve my living and therefore hindered me from reaching a goal. Maybe it wasn’t the writing as a whole, maybe it was the approach that wasn’t right for me. We will see as I ponder more about this challenge in the aftermath.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 18

I start to believe that this writing activity is so awkward for me that my body reacts to it unconsciously. I notice that this month I am far more sick than any time lately. I am constantly tired, tensed up and have a headache. I definitely know now that writing books is not a hobby that I will proceed in the near future because of all the negative aspects of the process itself. Even if I get an average piece of literature finished. The effort just isn’t worth it. My life is filled with far more positive things so I leave the writing to the other tormented souls out there.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 17

Today I wrote again. At the moment it takes me about one hour for 1000 words and after about 1800 usually my patience for the day is used up. So at this pace I will not reach the final word count in time.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 16

Finally I got ahead and wrote about 2000 words today. I can still manage to finish if I write 2500 words every day from now on. At least motivation today was better and I think that some passages I wrote are rather fluent.

I think that maybe you as the reader of my blog would like to know what my novel is all about instead of reading my rambling of how tough it is. So here is a short synopsis of the plot:

It is a science fiction novel which takes place in the more distant future of about 600 years from now. Society has progressed to a state where we managed to solve most problems of today thanks to the development of an artificial intelligence which regulates every aspect of economy, administration and even personal development of almost everyone on the planet. In this vision of the future everything is regulated very smoothly until a meteoroid strikes. The remarkable thing is that at first there is not a single reported casualty because the AI noticed the coming impact about 150 years before the incident and took all necessary measures (resettlement, etc.) to prevent any human loss. All this symphonic precaution from the AI supports the faith of the humans even more until a group of dead people are found at the site of the impact. They seem to have plotted a terrorist act against the AI and because they are the only casualties people begin to think that the AI condemned them to die which causes a loss of faith and uncertainty within the human community. So an investigative commission is formed to search for answers to the unexplained deaths.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 15

Halftime of the Challenge and only about 13000 words done. this is only a bit more than half of what I should have gotten. I don’t think I will manage to get everything finished but maybe tomorrow I will start writing again. Two days of not forcing myself to write maybe gave me enough energy to start a new try tomorrow.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 14

It would still be possible to get the 50000 word count finished if I can write 2000 words per day. Today it wasn’t only too little motivation that hindered my progress but also a lot of appointments. This will probably not be much better tomorrow.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 13

Inspiration is totally gone. All I have to learn is how I will cope with failure. It is simply not possibly to get any further. I tried all day but only got about 800 words. That just won’t do but I have no energy left to get any further. This whole writing is a terrible experience. I will stop now and do some work for the office. I definitely will fail to finish the 50000. Maybe I get at least of the challenge finished. Even if this means that I’m not a successful participant of the NaNoWriMo.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 12

Another Day off. This challenge is really getting to my nerves. I either am excited about my writing and get a lot done or I fail completely and question the sense in doing this challenges at all. I still fall behind more and more and probably won’t be able to finish the challenge which makes it even harder to keep writing. Well, it is almost half time and I will try to keep up as good as I can.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 11

I have the feeling that my inspiration is working better at around midnight than at any other time of day. I tried to start writing several times today but every time it took me quite some time and I only got a few words per try. Only the last time I tried at around 11 p.m. I managed to finish my word count within one hour. The plot is developing even though I still have no clue how or why the antagonist is doing anything.

So I’m still 3,5 days behind but hope to get more done tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If I’m lucky I should be able to catch up this weekend.


30 DAys: Writing a Novel - Day 10

Somehow I have the feeling that every character I write is a stereotype. Basically you cannot make anything new. If a character should be believable it has to behave according to some known stereotype which on the other hand makes the character very uninteresting. It is a problem because every movie that I see before my inner eye and which I try to write down has actors that are like so many others seen on TV and in the movies. And the more you think about those characters the more you notice that they are bland stereotypes as well. So why write anything at all, or for that matter read any fiction? During the last few years I have read less and less fiction and more and more non fiction books. Maybe this development is related to the fact that I find most of the characters in fiction no longer have any appeal for me.

For the facts I am still about 3,6 days behind, but now is a weekend again and maybe I can catch up a little. Writing on the whole is getting a bit easier and I need less time to get my daily word count done.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 09

I managed at least the words for today and some more. I believe I’m now 5 Days behind. I don’t know it in days anymore but I can give you the words. I have managed 9526 words altogether and I should have managed to write about 15000 already. So I’m about 5500 words behind. I believe this can be done on two productive weekend days so I try to keep my motivation up as good as possible.

Today I had some instances were the writing got to a stage of seeing a movie in my head and just writing down what I saw. I also got some background-story across when it seemed to fit. Interestingly I have lots of small ideas that spring to my mind while writing. Sometimes I just want to write about the plot but then I write two pages about some aspect of a side-character because I have the feeling that I must tell this aspect now. I still refuse to read anything of my already written stuff but I have no longer the feeling that everything so far sucks completely. Maybe there is some decent story hidden somewhere in this text.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 08

I was highly motivated to keep it up but my body said no. With a bad headache that lasted until the next day I had to call it a day and went to bed early. I’m now almost 4 days behind but I still think that I can manage to catch up next weekend.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 07

I managed to write my daily amount of words and even caught up a bit. I’m now a bit less than 3 days behind. Writing today went quite well. I still think that all I write is total crap and refuse to read it in order to prevent me from losing the little motivation which might be left but often this is a normal feeling for me. This also happens at work when I have to work on a very tricky patent application and can’t find the right words to describe the invention. I write and rewrite several times always accompanied by the feeling of total failure but in the end when I start to read it over it is quite ok and there isn’t much to criticize about it. I can only hope that this will also be the case with this manuscript.

At least the plot is starting to develop and after writing a lot of background for my world I begin to feel that now I can move more freely with my characters. In the beginning any plot is very limited because I first have to establish a view facts about the world I write. But now I think the reader will already have some idea of what is going on and so I have more space to let my characters act out the plot. I still haven’t figured out how exactly my main antagonist is going to act or what the deeper motivation of him will be but I hope that this will develop during writing when I come to that point.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 06

It isn’t over jet. I have written at least the word count for today and even a little more. It wasn’t that bad and I believe I was a bit faster than the last time. It will be a tough challenge and I hope that I do not fail any more days.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 05

Oh my, I didn’t write a single word again. Even though it is weekend I couldn’t get my mind around the idea of sitting down writing. I even begin to reconsider the whole blogging and challenge thing and all just because I begin to hate this challenge. I probably would like to have a finished manuscript for my long planned novel, but the price seems way to high for me. Especially because of my work which consists of doing exactly the same operations than this challenge, namely sitting around writing pages after pages of text. Well, if I don’t get myself around to write something tomorrow than this challenge will become impossible because then I will be 4 days behind. It is very unlikely that I will be able to catch up if I don’t write tomorrow.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 04

A day were I did nothing. Well I know it isn’t so bad to not write every day and that is should be possible to lag behind and nevertheless finish the challenge but this task of writing is getting a bit awkward and so like unwanted work I tend to push it away to a future date. Let’s hope this gets better.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 03

I did it again. I finished my daily 1670 words and even some more. So I’m now a little less than a day behind on the schedule.

I think that the product of my writing will be much worse than hoped for. I don’t think that after these 30 days I will have a viable manuscript for a novel in my hands. It becomes more and more of a writing practice. My real life job consists of writing patent applications and therefore I tend to write very detailed but boring descriptions of things and events. I don’t read my writing now because this would slow me down too much during the challenge but I have a strong feeling that nobody would like to read such a boring account of events that I’m writing at the moment.

On the other hand to view this challenge solely as a writing practice is also not sufficient for me because I sit in front of the computer every day and produce several dozen pages of text every week. So do I really need more of that?

I hope that the truth is somewhere in the middle and I will just try to get through this month and assess the results afterwards. So far I noticed that writing the 1670 words each day takes about 2 hours of time but to get myself started is considerably harder than during the crochet challenge. Crocheting was rather relaxing to do during watching TV in the evening. Writing on the other hand requires a lot of concentration and I need to focus, so watching TV or doing anything besides is completely out of the question. And since I write all day long I’m not exactly thrilled to do more writing in the evening, even if it is writing fiction.

But I keep up my optimism that after 30 days at least some positive insight will emerge from this challenge as well. 


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 02

I try not to start to rant about how tough this day was but believe me it was a very tough one. Nevertheless I managed to stock the 300 Words from yesterday up to 1670. So I managed to finish day 1 and I’m now one day behind.

Today writing was a bit easier. I tried to get some inspiration through listening to music while writing and it helps me to focus. I haven’t read anything I wrote and just kept writing. A lot of exposition about the background of my story was established and I finished the opening chapter which only had some side characters in it. Now I will introducing my main protagonist and his „sidekick“. My novel is a science fiction novel and I have to say that this is probably not the easiest of choices. I like the genre but I quess it would be a lot easier to write let's say a thriller or something like that.

The problem with science fiction is that you have the plot and you have a background to the story. In a story set in reality I only have to name some places and dates and the reader can imagine what it is like. If I tell you that my story takes place in London at the turn of the 20th century I don’t have to explain much. You can either imagine what it was like there and then or you can look it up. But if I tell you my story takes place 500 years into the future on a foreign planet then I have to do a lot of explaining. I have to tell you what technology is existant, what the people are like, how their society is structured and so on and so forth. There are several ways to handle this problem but most of them lead to a very boring reading experience.

For example I could spend 50 pages to tell you every aspect of the society and history of my imagined world but then this would be as exciting as reading the manual of your blu-ray-player. I could also pack this whole exposition into an annex or leave the reader in the dark for most of the actual plot. But all of these solutions lead to an exhausting reading experience. What I think works best is to tell you a bit of background and then a bit of story. Most often you have a protagonist or a side character to the protagonist who is not part of the world in which the story takes place and therefore gives a good excuse to explain the background to this character and therefore also to the reader. I think I will go with this method if I don’t fail and lose myself in page long expositions about my fabulously constructed future world.


30 Days: Writing a Novel - Day 01

Starting off with falling behind.

I began early today starting at 7:00 a.m. and got my first 300 words done within about half an hour. I noticed that I’m quite out of practice when it comes to writing fiction. Due to my profession, almost all texts I write are either legal or technical so my prose is also starting to sound extremely sterile and boring. When I was younger I liked to write in english but since I don’t read as much english fiction as back then my vocabulary is not sufficient any more to write a whole novel in english. On the other hand my german is too technical and not very flowery when it comes to fiction. Yet I decided to go with the lesser of two evil and start my novel in german. Well it is clumsy and it is hard and I hope that due to practice it will get better. I also fell behind on the schedule right away because I haven’t written any more than the initial 300 words. Probably things will go as with my first challenge and I will make up time on weekends and lose it again during the week. As long as I don’t fall behind too much this should be alright.


Goal Outline - Writing a Novel in 30 Days

So what is my next challenge? I will try to write a novel in 30 days. 50000 words is the goal of the National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) and I will try to participate.

If you know what the NaNoWriMo is you will probably notice that something must be wrong here because NaNoWriMo always takes place in November and now it’s almost December and this years event is nearly over. Well maybe you are new to my blog and haven’t read the ‚About this Blog‘ section, so I will state it again here, that I always post my blog-entries with a one month delay. This has several positive aspects. First of all it is easier to reach your goals if you don’t tell too many people. At least that is an idea that was stated in this TED video and I think this makes sense to me. The second and more practical reason is that with a one month delay I don’t put too much pressure on myself to write, edit and post my entries on a daily basis. I can scribble down some notes and write my blogposts comfortably on the weekend and have some space if something hinders me from blogging. This is really very helpful and I still get the result of a neat blog with regular updates.

So back to topic. If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, please check out the Website or Google it. There is a lot of info about it so I will not explain much. Basically the idea is to write a fictious piece of text with a length of 50000 words within the month of november. It is also a community experience but I must say that I’m not so much the kind of guy who is interested in the big community thing or the forums and stuff of the official NaNoWriMo but rather in the actual writing itself. I just registered because my challenge coincided with the official challenge so I thought I check it out and participate officially.

The idea for my novel is something I carry around with me for almost 10 years now. My viewpoint and the message that I would like to communicate has changed several times during all those years, but some basic concepts stayed with me. I have written a kind of storyboard for the main plot points long ago and also a detailed history of the events that take place before the actual story but as with so many so called writers I didn’t have the diligence to actually write the novel itself. I am also quite a perfectionist so I have always had my problems with finding character names or other small details and this slowed down any attempts to start at all.

Well, the concept of the NaNoWriMo is quantity and a rather punk rock approach. Just write and don’t think to much about details. Work with what you’ve got. You can edit later on. I like that idea because maybe this is the way to finally really write something. So wish me luck and I will give you daily updates how I master this new challenge.

by the way the pictures of this month will contain various book art I found on the internet and that appealed to me. Hope you like it.


Can't Stop

I should already be preparing my next challenge but just don't find the time or the right motivation to get it on its way. I have already chosen a subject and I can tell you that it will involve a lot of writing and also a lot of planning ahead. So far I couldn't get around doing much because of all the crochet work done in my last challenge. At the moment I'm really motivated to do more of that stuff. I can't even watch a movie without my fingers starting to tingle. I have completed the pieces of the challenge that I haven't got finished and also learned some basic knitting techniques. I would like to start knitting too, but so far I didn't decide on a piece I want to make. I have found an interesting instruction for a knitted tie but the instruction is in english and I have to translate the technical terms for the knitting stitches first. I already know them for crochet so I can read english instructions but knitting is new territory for me.

But nevertheless another thing the last challenge did for me is giving me so much practice on crocheting that now I really like to do it because it no longer is a pure learning experience which can be exhausting but rather it is fun to use the already learned skills on anything I want to create. This is so much more fulfilling than sitting passively in front of the TV. As you can see in the picture above I have started on a new piece, a pair of gloves for myself. Winter is coming up fast and I'm excited to make something that I can really use and wear. They also will have a special feature because there are little slits on every finger so you can push out your fingertips when needed and use them as fingerless gloves if you have to handle something like money or the bus-ticket. I think I will finish them within the next week and I'm very excited to wear my custom fitted gloves. It is just like making fire or hunting or growing your own food. To really do stuff that supply your often most primary needs is such a really satisfying feeling. I can only recommend this for anyone who wants to improve his/her life.


30 Days: Crochet - Aftermath

So the first challenge is completed and now I have to summarize what I gained from it. First of all the facts: I made 16 finished project pieces and 2 almost finished ones. The Plan was to make 19 different projects but the asparagus was just not possible to make with the instructions and my skill level at the time. Of course some individual projects like the olives consisted only of two very little pieces, while the almost finished burger had several quite different and larger pieces.

Of course if someone reads this blog who is really good at crochet he/she will probably think that I am pretty pathetic because of the overall achievement of this challenge. I don’t know any people around who are good at crochet so I have no measure if I do ok or suck completely.

But the crochet itself was only the means to an end, namely to find a way to get anything done of the millions of things I want to do in my life. My overall problem is that I’m interested in so many things but never find the time to do any of them. Multitasking is a bitch because actually the more things you do in parallel the less things you get finished at all. If you are like me and want to learn three languages, while directing a movie, writing a book, knitting a scarf and learn to play piano during a week where you also have to train for a triathlon and in between go to the office to actually earn some money, then you probably know the feeling that you try to multitask to manage everything but end up in a total stasis and at the end of the week all you have done is hung out in front of the computer and checked your numerous news-feeds.

If you read the „about this blog“ part you probably know already that finishing things or sometimes even starting on any projects is really tough for me. So one thing I learned during this month is that breaking a goal down into manageable pieces and setting a finish line of 30 days is a good way to focus on only one thing at a time. And as you can see it actually worked for me. I was able to get most of the things done that I wanted to make and so finally can enjoy the success instead of the stale feeling of continued failure. I think especially the finish line is an important feature for me. Breaking down a goal into manageable steps is one thing but without a finish line I would again get the feeling that I won’t have time to make all the other things that interest me and therefore drop into stasis again. But so I know I only have to focus for 30 days and then I’m free for the next project.

An important lecture for me was to stop multitasking! This helped me at work, too. If you work on one thing then work on that thing and nothing else. There will be enough time for other things once you have finished. Another thing for me was to stop being a perfectionist. It is ok to plan ahead the course for a challenge but if you are unable to stick to it or unable to finish every single step you still need to keep going and don’t give up. Better get some things done than none at all. I know this is not any knew knowledge and I start to sound like a fortune cookie but really experiencing that these things work is exciting and uplifting.

At least I won’t start on such things as „live in the moment“ because I don’t believe that this is working for anyone. Maybe it works if you have no fear of ever failing at anything but who actually is so enlightened that he can say this from him/herself. Planning is essential for any project but you have to find the right balance of planning and margin for error.

During the challenge I also experienced that sometimes I’m actually scared of completion. Everything is going well during the planning phase, the beginning and during most of the work but as soon as the end of a piece is in sight I get the urge to stop and pause, almost fearing to cross the finish line. To overcome this feeling several times during this month also helped me because it seems to overwhelm me less frequent. Maybe I’m starting to like the active productive life I always wanted to have but so far were unable to realize in many aspects.

Before someone gets a wrong idea I usually am quite able to manage a lot of things in everyday life and by the average standards of society I think I’m rather at the successful end of the scale but when it comes to  my personal projects and interests I tend to be very critical and these projects are the part about which I'm talking in this blog. So as a summarizing sentence I have to say that I’m very happy with the outcome of my first challenge. I managed to create stuff, to learn something about myself, found a way to tackle projects and also improved some aspects of my work-life. So now I will start to plan my next challenge.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 30

The last day of the first challenge. Again we spent a lot of time on the city wall. I was able to finish the wiener sausage and also make the bread bun for the hot dog. So I can relax for the last few days of the vacation. I’m actually quite happy that it went so well and that apart from some unfinished parts I really got a lot of pieces finished.

I will give a detailed summary of the challenge in a few days as soon as I’m home again and I will also start to plan my next challenge. There will also be a group picture with all my finished pieces. For more details on the individual pieces I refer you to the blog Beatritsche's KreAKTIVität where I will quest blog my work during the coming weeks. My posts will appear every saturday so if you need information on any piece you can look it up there or you can write me an email or leave a question in the comments below.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 29

A day at the beach again. Finally I finished all of the sushi pieces and also started on my piece for today which is the wiener sausage for a hot dog. It isn’t quite finished yet, since I have to stitch on the ketchup and mustard, but I think that I can bring the challenge to a good end.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 28

Today I relocated the naps to the city wall of Lucca. The city wall is a broad dam around the inner city lined with trees and parks and you can walk around the city center on it. It is about 4 km long and there are benches and lawns everywhere to sit down and enjoy the view of the city and the green parks. I caught up on my plan and finished two of the pieces of sushi so now I’m only one day behind.

Slowly the challenge is coming to an end. Although I have more time now during my vacation it seems quite hard to make up for the lost time. Only two days to go and still one day behind.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 27

Finally time to catch up. We spent the whole day at the beach of Viareggio. Basically I did nothing all day but go into the sea, crochet a little and take a nap. After repeating this cycle several times I was able to finish at least 8 of the french fries and complete the box. I will stop on the french fries now and make the last few later.

The next thing I started on was the sushi. Today and tomorrow the plan says to make two more pieces of sushi, so together there will be three of them. One with salmon, one with tuna and one with egg. 


30 Days: Crochet - Day 26

Going to Lucca, Italy. We were in the car all day long for the ride of over 900 km to Lucca. Half the time I was the driver so I used the other half of the time to start over on the fry box. After checking a lot of youtube videos on how to crochet in rounds, especially on the subject of where to make the first stitch after closing a round with a slip stitch I was finally able to get it right and make some progress on the piece.

I still have to finish it and since today the plan said that I should make a piece of sushi I’m now two and a half days behind on my plan. Again I give you another picture from our trip to Lucca.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 25

Today I should have made 18 french fries but since we go on vacation tomorrow I had to make everything ready for our trip to Lucca, Italy. There was absolutely no time for anything else, not even to take a picture. Since I had to undo the started box for the fries from yesterday I’m now two days behind on my schedule and because there is no picture I will give you a picture from our trip to Lucca.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 24

On Monday I will go on vacation, so today was the last day to finish all work and shop anything still needed for the trip. I have my wool ready but I wasn’t able to get a lot of work done. Todays project was a box for french fries. I seem to have made a mistake while crocheting in rounds and now the basically oval box is twisting and rather helical. I checked on youtube where my mistake is and I think I have to undo the piece and start over. So I call it a day and hope that I will catch up some time next week.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 23

Another day, another cookie. Today a chocolate-chip one, which is basically made using the same instructions as the Oreo cookie. You only need two sides though instead of three and you have to stitch the chocolate pieces onto the sides.

During the work on this piece I pondered on the idea to make a whole play-shop for all the grocery I already made. To have more stuff to play I will buy original packages of cookies, sushi, olives, etc. and then after emptying them, I will fill them with corresponding crochet pieces. Within this challenge I just try different pieces and different instructions so that afterwards I will be able to perfect them and make more, because one cookie is fine, but a whole box full of them will be awesome.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 22

A cookie a day. Todays piece was an Oreo cookie. 3 small round discs which got stitched together. Nothing special and easy and fast to make. Only problem was, that the black wool I used was thinner than the white one for the middle disc so I had to compensate by making the white disc one round shorter then the outer ones. This made the stitching together more difficult because the number of stitches was not corresponding. But overall the piece fits the original cookie quite well, as you can see in the picture.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 21

My project for today was to make two maki rolls. One with salmon and one with cucumber. I have a book with instructions for them but I didn’t really like the instructions so I made them up myself. After several pieces the concept seems to be getting clearer, so I tried two different approaches and the piece made according to the second one looks quite good I think.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 20

Great News! I just took a look at my plan and realized that I have estimated one day more for the popcorn. So today I just had to make a few more popcorn pieces to fill the bag. That was easy. Two thirds of the challenge is over and there are only a few pieces left to make.

So far the whole challenge thing is really going well. I managed to finish stuff, to blog about it and this is already more than I did ever before on any of my projects. I admit that the quality of my blog posts can improve a bit because looking back at them I seem to ramble on about how bad I feel quite often. I will try to improve and be more positive and uplifting. But all in all I'm very satisfied with my progress so far.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 19

I was awfully sick today. I wasn't at work, my head was aching horribly and I was not able to really do anything. My piece for today was a pretzel and since it is rather small and easy I could finish it the next morning so I think this still counts as finished.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 18

Second day of the popcorn-bag and popcorn. The bag was rather easy but small. But then again this means that I do not have to make that many pop corn pieces. I have the bag half filled and made some more pieces but I guess it will need another 6 pieces of pop corn to have it filled.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 17

It seems that productivity is really going up. Todays plan was to start on the hot dog but I still couldn’t get the right colors of wool even though I drove around a lot to find some. On my list there is one bigger piece left for weekends, which is the popcorn-bag filled with popcorn. So I started to make pop corn. The pieces are small and look really realistic but you have to make a lot of them to fill the bag.

I finished the top bun of the burger, too and I got some rounds done on the beanbag for my phone. My finger still hurts but it is getting better the more work you do.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 16

I still experience some wool shortage. Therefore I had to jump ahead on my list of things to make and made a radish. The instructions came from this website . I liked to make it. It was rather easy and there was not much to be stitched except the loose ends of the thread.

So far this was my favorite piece to make. It had the right size the right difficulty for my skill-level and the result is really lifelike.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 15

Halftime! The first half of the challenge went past very quickly. Overall I have finished quite a lot of pieces so far. I still have to finish the burger and I gave up on the asparagus but all the other pieces got finished.

Until today at least. Today the plan was to start on the hot-dog for which I have planned to use two days, but I noticed that I didn’t have wool in the right colors at home, so I postpone the hot dog and instead started on the next piece on my list. A beanbag for my mobile phone. This piece is also bigger then the ones I usually finish during weekdays. Because of the intensive work on my pieces yesterday my finger got sore rather quickly. I worked for about 1,5 hours but had to stop.

Well the next weekend is in sight so I will hopefully finish it then.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 14

Today I finally had one day in the week where I got home early. Early means shortly after 6.00 PM in my case. Todays plan was a corn-cob. It was rather easy even though I had to learn some new stitches. The instructions also showed some leafs to be stitched to the cob, but I think it is better to leave them out, so you can „serve“ the corn directly on a plate with other pieces.

Since I had time left I finished the toast from yesterday as well. I didn’t follow the instructions through to the end but the result was quite good nevertheless.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 13

Unfinished business. The toast seemed to be a rather easy piece and I thought that I got along well, but you need at least two pieces to finish it and I only made one and a half. I was to tired to finish it. Weekdays are only good for very very small pieces like olives, cherries and the like. But overall not much is missing from that piece so maybe I can finish it tomorrow.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 12

Today a small piece which is good for a weekday, a stuffed olive. Overall it were easy stitches but the piece is so small that it gets actually very hard to hold the thing while making the stitches.

Tomorrow there will be toast.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 11

Weekends are much better for hobbies. It is usually rather easy to fit in an hour or two to get a piece done. Today’s piece was a lemon, which turned out to be rather small. I had my crochet stuff with me today and made most of the piece in the morning and during brunch with friends. At home I just had to finish it up so I still had a lot of time to get some other work done.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 10

Wow, these 30 Days are passing really fast. Already a third of the challenge is over. Today the plan was to make a green pepper, but the instructions were from the same source as the asparagus and after reading them I wasn’t convinced that this would work out. So I decided to make another piece from one of our instruction books.

Two slices of bacon. This comes in handy because they fit the cheeseburger so you can make a bacon-cheeseburger. Some weeks ago I made a fried egg and the bacon can also be added to make a healthy breakfast.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 09

Cherries! They were rather easy and fast to make which was a relief after a hard week of mostly unfinished or failed pieces. They were also quite similar to the strawberries but even easier to make since you didn’t need to stitch any pattern onto them.

If you wonder why I never show pictures of the finished pieces I will post them separately as a guest blogger on Beatritsches KreAKTIVität, where you will find them. My posts are published there every saturday so it will take a while until every piece is shown. After the challenge I will share a group picture of all my finished work here also, so keep on looking for my further progress.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 08

Tried the asparagus again. This time I used single crochet stitches but it seems that I have the wrong wool, the wrong needle and the whole instructions don’t work out. So I will call the asparagus piece as a failure and go on with the next piece.

Tomorrow I will make cherries. They are small like the strawberries, so I should be able to complete them. Thank god it’s the weekend again so maybe I can make up some time on the burger.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 07

I was soooooo tired. I failed completely. No work done. Maybe I cancel the asparagus completely and start with the next project. Hopefully the challenge will get better. I would hate to fail after half a week.


30 Days: Crochet - Day 06

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

Today I tried to make an asparagus according to an instruction that my wife got from a craft shop. It was also the first time that I had to do double crochet stitches and this working in rounds in only a few f***ing chain stitches to start with. I hate those stitches. The double crochet stitches are a lot softer and more fuzzy than the single crochet stitches and therefore it is much harder to find the right spot to make the next stitch in the first few rounds.

And then the whole piece is looking irregular and far too big for an asparagus. It was also very late and I had a bad day so I had very little patience. I stopped halfway through the piece. I have to decide if I try it with a different approach or if I use the time to finish the burger. Well we will see tomorrow.


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