Hurray! Another challenge is over. Today I felt a little better again. Started to eat fruit but not as much as five pieces. Fitness was difficult during the last few days because either I wasn’t feeling well or the gym was closed due to holidays. Well I will summarize my experience in the aftermath in a few days. This time I must say I’m very glad that this challenge is over even though I thought it was rather easy for the most part of it.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 29
Feeling slightly better today but still didn’t get much done. I’m still a bit cautious about the things I eat, so maybe this counts as not eating a whole lot of sugary things. I have the feeling due to my sickness this challenge is somewhat ebbing out. I performed quite well for most part, but now there is only one day left and I don’t think that I will manage to get up and going that fast.
Overall I have to say the challenge gave me a good overview which parts are easy and which parts need more focus. I definitely take some of the things with me into my everyday routines and will focus on some other parts some time in the future.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 28
At night I got horribly sick. Maybe I ate something wrong but today I couldn’t eat anything at all, let alone fruit. I also got problems with my circulation since I was laying down all day. So I could say that this might be the very first day of the challenge where I didn’t get any part of it done.
I notice that a lot of my posts seem to center on me being sick, having a headache and the like. On the other hand I say that this challenge improved my overall constitution. To get this into perspective I must emphasis on the fact that it is winter and there are some other issues that drag me down a bit. Due to those facts I am more sick than usual at the moment, even though I do feel the positive effects of this challenge. So I hope you don't get the wrong impression just because of my frequent ramblings.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 27
I have no Idea for a picture today... so here you have a polar bear ;-) |
In the beginning this challenge seemed easier than those I made before but after ⅔ of the time it gets considerably harder and more boring. If I can break down a bigger project into little tasks for every day then I have something to focus on every day anew but with this challenge every day is the same since there is no bigger goal behind it and if I miss something on one day I don’t have to catch up, so it is easy to lose focus, especially now that the month is almost over.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 26
The finish line is already visible on the horizon and I feel refreshed and full of energy to start a new series of challenges. I also have found new motivation to make a new review again. Since I have more time at home right now I watched a lot of movies and my love for this hobby got renewed. Also there are some creative new projects ahead and I can’t wait to wrap up this challenge and plan my course for the next months.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 25
This challenge seems to be getting really long. At least I don’t know what to write about it anymore at the moment. Maybe the break between the very exhausting writing challenge and this one now was too short and I should have used the time in between to prepare especially for the blogging, because at the moment I really run out of things that I can write about my daily experience without giving to much away of the summarizing thoughts of this challenge.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 24
A week without having to go to the office lies before me. Therefore the waking without an alarm clock part of the challenge is already mastered because I never use an alarm during my days off. All the other parts could still use a bit of improvement. Especially my bathroom routine. Usually I tend to get a little lazy when I’m at home so this will need some extra care.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 23
Yeah! Last day of work and now I have the last week of the challenge free to get my routines up to the planned level. Today I slept perfectly on time and again in one complete period. I really like sleeping without an alarm and unless I have a very very important appointment the next day I will continue to not use my alarm clock. Eating fruit is getting more and more boring but I still keep my stock at home piled up and eat at least more than half of the planned amount.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 22
Only two days of work and than I will have a week off. So due to a lot of workload I still can only manage to get the most basic parts of my challenge done. Because many parts were easy in the beginning I must concentrate not to forget about the challenge as a whole. Otherwise my lazy self will slowly drift back to my normal state without even noticing that I ended the challenge. In this part I think blogging about it helps me, even though it might be getting very uninteresting for many readers, it is at least a reminder for myself that I have to keep up with my plans. I probably will do something about improving my blog quality within a separate challenge but that will not be due until summer this year because I have the next few challenges planned already.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 21
down to three |
Sleeping is really getting better. I begin to wake closer and closer to the time I planned in the evening with fewer and fewer interruptions of sleep. The other parts of the challenge are no longer at their highest rate but have leveled on a level higher than before the challenge. I tend to eat 3 pieces of fruit a day and my bathroom routine has improved in some parts. I can view that as a success so far, even though my perfectionist self still nags about not getting a perfect score.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 20
Today I slept the perfect amount of time without interruptions and woke at the exact right time. This was the first time that this has worked so far because most of the time I either woke to early or woke several times during the night.
Fitness could get better and during the last two days I only ate 3 pieces of fruit. My bathroom routine is still better than the level I started out from but not as high as anticipated.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 19
I totally overslept today. I went to bed with a severe headache and was already sleeping at 9 p.m. Nevertheless I slept solid 12 hours and was late for the office. Eating fruit is getting really boring. At least the amount of 5 pieces per day is too much. I can eat 3 pieces with ease but then I’m fed up with fruit for the day. I also notice that I prefer some fruits above others not solely because of taste, but because of user friendliness. Bananas e.g. are easily unpacked (they come with an inbuilt zipper) and after removing the peel you can eat the whole fruit without much of a mess. Same with the mandarin, they can be peeled more easily than oranges and unless they have seeds (which the ones I buy usually haven’t) can be eaten whole. Apples and Pears on the other hand always leave a wet core which you have to get rid of. Another fruit I have at home are kiwi, but they are really messy to eat and you also need a knife and a spoon. Way too much effort for a snack in between.
I know I sound extremely neurotic but theses little things are often the things why a habit doesn’t really catch on. Fruit have their place in the snack department and I don’t consider them a part of a whole meal so therefore they should be practical, no mess, no cutlery, just grab it and eat it.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 18
I notice that I have frequent headaches on sunday. I haven’t found out why but it always slows me down. Usually a workout at the gym clears my headache but it is very difficult to motivate myself and it is really hurting like hell during workout. My head is pounding and I feel as if I have to throw up. But if I manage to complete the workout, usually the headache is gone. Nevertheless today I didn’t manage to motivate myself so the headache is still with me. At least I managed to do the drink only water (+aspirin) part again.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 17
We went to the market and bought lots of fruit for next week. So this part is cared for. I now look forward to another positive phase of this challenge. It is only a bit over halftime and I will try to gather my energy to make a good finish.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 16
I slept extremely bad due to too much food yesterday. After eating rather healthy for most of the month, my stomach wasn’t happy with all the meat and pastries and stuff I ate yesterday. So naturally todays workday was rather exhausting and I didn’t manage to do my fitness workout again. I was willing to eat fruit but my storage at home is running empty and I have to restock to be able to eat my fruit again.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 15
Today we had a big feast at the office so I had too much to eat and drink and didn’t manage to eat all my fruit as well. Due to a lot of work during the last few days it is also hard to keep up with my fitness workout. And last but not least the bathroom routine was also at the necessary minimum due to coming home very late at night. I guess every challenge needs at least some days where I do not reach my goal. There seems to be a rhythm to this. One week is going fine. Then there are two days were it is really hard or even impossible to get my tasks done, and then the process starts over.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 14
Slowly eating that much fruit is getting boring. I am actually quite fed up on pears and apples. Bananas are still ok, so are mandarins. It is funny that I get fed up on fruit that fast while I never seem to get fed up on meat. I could eat steaks and burgers every day and they don’t get boring. Changing to different fruit might not be helping too because I already chose the most tolerable fruit for me. Every other fruit you can get at the store at the moment is either not tasting that good or is too complex to eat. With too complex I mean that it either needs preparation or drips while eating or anything like that.
I guess that maybe two to three pieces would be ok. Five is definitely to much for the future.
Also I didn’t see any change in weight yet, so it doesn’t seem to have any effect on my overall eating habits.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 13
If you work really really really much than everything else practically fails due to the lack of energy. More than half of our employees are not at the office because of sickness, so work is really getting out of hand. Even though I was motivated I didn’t even eat the 5 pieces of fruit today. Come to think of it I don’t know what I ate at all. There is only so many things that you can focus on during a day and today my whole attention was with my work. It is good that so far this challenge has provided me with that much energy because otherwise I wouldn’t have survived the stress of today.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 12
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sorry for that....I try to improve ;-) |
I begin to think that my blog entries on a whole are not so interesting to the reading audience. Maybe it is ok when you know me but otherwise there is not much information. Especially in this challenge I could have used the blog to give different links and information on health products, things to do to relax, maybe some recipes for healthy food. Well, the fact that you are only getting short entries of self centered rambling instead of useful stuff is, that for once I am new to blogging and just getting into the routine is difficult enough for me at the moment, and on the other hand I am very busy at the moment and have not prepared enough stuff to really give you more content.
As it turns out I just stamped out this challenge very fast after the failure of the last challenge and I was very exhausted. Overall it could have used some more research and preparation for the blog. The challenge itself is running rather well and is really giving me a lot of energy back that I lost during the last few months. It is just that I don’t have more interesting stuff for the blog so you just have to put up with what there is and I will try to be better prepared for the next challenge.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 11
Another day at home. I bought some fruit and this will bring me through the next couple of days but not through the whole week. I will have to go shopping again to stock up. The fitness part has been rather reduced this week since my wife is sick and I have to tend to her and to the household as well as to my daily work (and my scar was hurting - see the post before). I hope to get my planned workouts done next week. One thing about this challenge is, that everything you didn’t manage to accomplish doesn’t add to the overall burden. You cannot catch up on training or eating fruit. If you have missed an opportunity than it is over and you can only try to get back to the plan. You don’t have to worry about a growing load of unfinished work. This is in one way much better than with the last two challenges since the stress isn't building up as much. On the other hand getting lazy is also easier.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 10
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Besides getting hurtful injections horizontally into my scar, the doctor shot holes into me with a laser. |
Today I had some skin surgery done on an old scar and it was rather hurtful. It was the first day were I didn’t get the fruit part finished, or for that matter, even started. I was in pain for half of the day but nevertheless managed to keep up my bathroom routine. Besides my hurting scar I feel quite well. I think that the low point of this challenge is over end now it will become easier again. Maybe this is somewhat of a weekly cycle. One week is going better and one not so much. So I look ahead to an easier week I hope.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 09
Even though this day was full of appointments I still managed to get along quite well. I think I totally give up on the „only water“ part. I just keep forgetting about it regularly. The fruit part is still going on although I am running out of fruit at home and I won’t be able to get to the market tomorrow. Well we will see. My headaches have gotten a lot better. I think that since the beginning of this challenge I really feel more healthy and well, possibly due to the increase in vitamins. Sleeping without an alarm is also going smoothly. Now it’s weekend again and I can see no problem ahead.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 08
So far it seems that some parts of the challenge are working out exceptionally well, while others don’t. Sleeping without alarm clock and eating 5 pieces of fruit a day has worked one hundred percent so far. the extended bathroom routine has worked almost every day so far, except for today. The drinking part is not going very well. I notice that there are many occasions where I let is slip (like free punch, or free refills at the fast food restaurant) so overall I have to say with the drinking bit that I do not really do anything different from what I usually do.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 07
Here are my usual pieces of fruit for a day. I start the day with a banana. Since it contains a lot of serotonin it should be eaten in the morning to give you a great start into the day whilst it is not so good to eat it in the evening because the serotonin may inhibit sleep. During the day I eat one apple, one pear, one mandarin and one kiwi. The kiwi being my least favorite of them but still these five types of fruit are the once I prefer over many others that are available.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 06
Sleeping without an alarm clock might be the more interesting part of the challenge. In order to avoid oversleeping in the morning I really have to remember to go to bed on time. My inner clock is not yet tuned right but it is getting better. In the first night I woke every 2 hours checking the clock. The last two nights I managed to sleep till 4 o’clock in the morning and then till 5 o’clock. I hope that with practice I can fine-tune myself to really sleep until 6 or 7 o’clock in one go. I first thought that without an alarm clock I will oversleep regularly but in reality it seems harder to sleep through and not to wake up too early.
All in all I find it far more interesting to train myself to sleep without an alarm. If I can perfect this skill within this month I shall definitely keep on doing this.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 05
Today I want to give you a little insight on my new bathroom routine. Usually I am like most men pretty content with hopping into the shower, using only shampoo and soap, rinsing off and I’m almost ready. This might be even more than most men because many use a shampoo’n’shower-gel all in one product. So this month I try to really take some time and use all the wonderful products I have at home but never use. While in the shower I now make a whole body peeling with scrubbing gloves, I not only use a shampoo but also a conditioner. Afterwards I use a facial tonic, a facial cream and body lotion. Usually I only need about 10 to 15 minutes in the bathroom which now got extended to over an hour. But it is worth it. My skin is getting softer and smoother and I generally feel more relaxed and refreshed. Especially now in winter it is really a treat to relax in the bath.
In general the challenge is working out pretty well. Still I think that I eat to much because the 5 pieces of fruit still add to the food I normally eat instead of replacing some of it.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 04
Sometimes it seems that this challenge is too simple because I tend to forget about it completely. Especially when it comes to the drinking only water. Leaving out the sugar was easier so far than I thought. Due to the huge amount of fruit I eat every day my cravings for chocolate are manageable. The drinking part on the other hand is more difficult because I usually drink water on most occasions and on the rare occasions where I drink something else I forget that I have this part included in my challenge. So I will try to improve on that part but I guess that at least the only water goal of this month is something that I will not fulfill to a hundred percent.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 03
We have so many fruits and vegetables at home right now that I cannot decide what to eat first. We were at a local vegetable market today and bought lots and lots of wonderful food. I had more than 5 pieces of fruit today and also some fresh orange juice.
I slept well and today also had a full peeling in the shower. Usually I just shower and dress. Things like peeling or body lotion is something that I maybe do once a month. This month I try to do it every time and it is very refreshing to really take the time for this. I feel much more cleaner afterwards and my whole skin prickles minty fresh.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 02
Today was the first day where I really tried to sleep without using the alarm clock. I went to bed early and was confident to wake on time. My subconsciousness was not so confident and so I woke almost every hour during the whole night. Naturally today I wasn’t very fit but I hope that my subconsciousness will grow more confident during this month and that my sleep rhythm will come close to a more natural cycle.
Again eating fruit was not a big problem. We have plenty of fruits at home right now and even my wife is starting to eat more fruit just because it is available. Now a weekend lies ahead of me and I will try to buy even more healthy food on the market tomorrow.
30 Days: Multi Health - Day 01
I started into the challenge with a bit of a sore throat. I have felt like getting a cold for the last two days but today seems to be a lot better. Today I had my alarm clock still activated but nevertheless woke way before it went off. It is much more relaxing to start into the day without being torn from a deep sleep but by gradually waking in your own rhythm.
The five pieces of fruit were no problem, as was the only water task. As long as the fruits are at home I never have a lot of problems eating them. What I usually don’t like is going to the store to buy them so most often I give up after an initial motivation to eat healthy.
In the evening I had a salad and fish. I had a dessert for lunch but otherwise no extra sugar. This was the harder part, especially in the evening I get withdrawal symptoms.
I spent about an hour in the bath cleaning and rubbing different kinds of lotions on my body. It was rather relaxing.
So far I like this challenge. The only thing that seems a bit harder is the no sugar part and the fact that my bowels rebel against the healthy food, but I think that this will pass after the first few days. Other than during the writing challenge I really look forward to give myself an extra treat this month with focusing on the well-being of my body.
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