

30 Days: Multi Health - Aftermath - Part 4

After Blogger has deleted my lenghty summary on my last part of the challenge about sleeping without an alarm clock I now have to write the whole thing again. Not amused about this.

So here is my summary: It's great! Try it!

....OK I give you more details.

This part was a 100% success during the challenge and I have never ever used an alarm clock again since then. After the first few days I got used to it and before going to sleep I take a look at the clock and tell myself when I want to wake. Nine times out of ten I wake on the scheduled waking time with a variation of plus/minus 20 minute. Otherwise I'm about 1 hour off.

I compensate any lateness with cutting down my morning routine, so I was only late for work once so far. On any other day I feel much more refreshed and awake because I woke naturally without my alarm clock shocking me in the middle of an inappropriate sleeping phase and leaving me awake but as tired as I was the night before.

I can only recommend this to anyone to try it. During the last three months on average I got to work earlier than before and way more refreshed.

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